Quality and peace of mind

You expect your translation agency to have the highest standards. Our certification in accordance with ISO 17100, ISO 27001, ISO 18587 and ISO 9001 gives you the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are getting top quality in every area.

Our ISO certifications

What do our ISO certifications mean? And, more importantly, how do you benefit? Diction has always provided fast, personal and exceptional service, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Here you can find out why you can always rely on our quality management and processes. Learn more about our ISO certifications and what advantages they give you as our client.

  • Outstanding quality
  • Documented qualifications
  • Transparent processes
  • Specialised services
GTU Certification Siegel ISO
Logo 9001
Logo 17100-18587

ISO 9001 – certified quality management system

Diction is certified in accordance with ISO 9001, the most important and internationally recognised quality management standard, and annual audits are carried out to ensure we continue to meet the high standards.
Our ISO 9001 certification proves that we have an effective quality management system in which duties, responsibilities, structures and work processes are regulated in a binding and transparent manner and documented within process and procedural instructions. Our enterprise resource planning system (the Diction TMS), for example, allows us to carry out detailed resource and data management and reporting and, above all, to quickly and efficiently organise your projects. Quality management is not a chore for us – it is the basic principle that informs everything that we do. This was also the impression that our auditor had as he observed our team carrying out their day-to-day work – he was very impressed by their commitment to quality.

But how do you benefit? You can rest assured that we always work efficiently and systematically. Our processes are constantly analysed and optimised. Whatever your text type, language, region or task, we can find the right language experts for your project quickly and reliably in our TMS.

ISO 27001 – certified information security 

The international ISO 27001 standard guarantees the highest standards in the field of information security. Diction is thus using an externally audited, ISO-compliant information security management system (ISMS), which has established various binding and clearly documented guidelines within the company. These specify the security requirements that must be complied with as well as who is responsible for implementation and controls. Our ISMS process is subject to constant review. For instance, two monitoring audits are carried out between re-certifications. This ensures that we’re always on the ball. 

But how do you benefit as our client? Your documents are secure with us! Thanks to our ISO-27001 certification, you can objectively rely on our information security processes, which also makes it easier to examine tenders and pitches. Our ISMS officers always stay up to date for you so that you don’t need to lose any more time on this matter.

ISO 17100 – requirements for translation services

The ISO 17100 standard lays out the international requirements for translation services and involves an assessment of the translation quality provided based on objective criteria. This standard contains requirements for the core processes, the minimum qualification levels, the availability and use of resources and the activities that are required in order to provide a high-quality translation service. The standard also lays out the skills and qualifications that translators and proofreaders must have.

But how do you benefit? When your translation is carried out in accordance with ISO 17100, you can rest assured that the translator has the specific professional skills required (a degree in translation, for example).There’s also the four-eyes principle, which is an important aspect of the ISO 17100 standard and requires that the translated text is read by a second person.

ISO 18587 – post-editing by qualified experts

Diction is also certified for post-editing in accordance with ISO 18587. Post-editing is the term used for the proofreading of a machine translation by an expert. The new ISO standard is an extension of ISO 17100 and applies the same strict standards to post-editing as ISO 17100 does to normal professional translations. This means that, for example, the post-editors have exactly the same professional skills (a degree in translation and post-editing training, for example). It also sets out which services are included in full and light post-editing.

But how do you benefit? Post-editing is a relatively new service for language service providers. Clients and translation agencies are often not sure precisely what is involved. At Diction, we know exactly what it’s all about – our post-editing services are in accordance with those laid out in the ISO 18587 standard and can be tailored to meet your requirements. You can also rest assured that only qualified translators with extra training in post-editing and machine-translation technology will work on your texts.

Are we resting on our laurels?

Not a chance! Follow-up audits and recertification are carried out regularly for all three standards, and we have to prove to the team of very diligent auditors that we are constantly striving to keep developing and making sure that our quality standards are up to date. We don’t like to show off, but we have heard that our ISO auditors were so impressed by our processes that they have even recommended them as a best-practice example to other companies they have audited.



What happens during an ISO audit?

For the initial certification, an independent team of auditors visits our offices to check if our process and quality management meets the requirements of the respective standard. But this doesn’t mean we just have to show them the relevant documentation or systems – the auditors actually spend time with employees for every department and observed them carrying out their day-to-day work. Follow-up audits are carried out each year in which we prove to the team of auditors that we are making sure our quality standards are up to date.

Who can tell me more about the ISO certifications?

This page contains a good description of the ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 17000 and ISO 18587 standards that Diction is certified in accordance with. If you want to find out more about the specific criteria of each standard, just get in touch.