Quality you can rely on

Bei Diction erhalten Sie hochwertige Sprachdienstleistungen und persönliche Beratung durch erfahrene Fachübersetzer, Technologie-Profis und Kundenbetreuer. Worauf stützt sich die Professionalität unserer Experten? Auf Begeisterung für Qualität, bei der wir hohe Massstäbe ansetzen und für die sich all unsere Mitarbeitenden ins Zeug legen.

Aber das ist natürlich nicht alles: Diction ist mehrfach ISO-zertifiziert. Wir setzen auf zertifiziertes Qualitätsmanagement, auf transparente, festgelegte Prozessabläufe sowie auf sicheren Datenschutz und rigorose Informationssicherheit. So können Sie sich auf die Qualität hinter unserer Leidenschaft immer verlassen.

Quality assurance at Diction

ISO certifications

Our ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 17100 and ISO 18587 certifications give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing your language-service partner delivers the highest quality in every area. We have more information on what the different ISO standards contain and what they mean for you as a client.

Secure data

We work in accordance with the GDPR and also protect your data using a secure data centre. All of our employees have signed a strict NDA. Find out more about our data protection and information security guidelines.

ISO 9001: key areas

Our most important certification is the ISO 9001 for quality management. All of our processes are based on the requirements of this standard. We also have very strict quality assurance processes. Annual audits are carried out to ensure we continue to meet the high standards in all four key areas.

  • Certified quality management system: Diction’s QMS processes are regulated and documented in a binding and transparent manner.
  • Constant customer satisfaction: Diction constantly strives to improve customer satisfaction – it’s just part of what we do. Our certification makes it official.
  • Continuous improvement process: Diction is continuously working to improve processes and the services we offer.
  • Risk-based approach: Diction evaluates risks and benefits so that clients can place their trust in us as long-term project partners and rely on our advice (for evaluations of machine-translation systems, for example).

Most recent references

The first time we have been completely satisfied
We really rely on Diction for all of our automotive and marketing texts, and they are the first language services company that we have been completely satisfied with.
Whether it’s translation or editing, we are extremely happy with the quality and service.

Petra Kuhn
Head of HOCL, HR Operations – Global Language Center, ZF Friedrichshafen